We will attend the Space Propulsion Conference in Glasgow 20-23. May 2024. This will be the Preliminary event program. Happy to see you there.
Visiting Space Tech Expo Bremen and FormNext Frankfurt
Attending Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1
We are attending the 2020+1 Space Propulsion Conference (Along with the CySat21 conference which is happening at the same time unfortunately). https://spacepropulsion2020.com
IBB.ch is attending CySat 2021
The 1st European executive event dedicated to cybersecurity for the space industry (Online due to CORONA) will happen from 17. March 20221 to 21. March.
Website: https://cysat.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/cys…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CYSAT21
Great work of the ARIS team! Congratulation! I am proud to be part of that journey! 🚀🚀 (Embedded via LinkedIN, original link)
Visiting SpaceTech Expo 2019 in Bremen
Some interesting contacts (Especially with SME’s)