Here you can find various papers mainly about rocket propulsion and related topics. Our library page acts also as an internal library of, so some publications are not publicly available due the copyright or other reasons. If you find a paper which should not be public available due to copyright or other reasons, please let us know, we will delete it or move it to an area with restricted access.

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Nitrous N2O related publications

N2O Safety:

N2O Patents:

Conference Papers (Mainly ESA and other European organizations)

Rocket noise and mitigation

Igniters (Torch, Pyro, Acoustic resonance igniters (aka Hartmann Sprenger tubes), others)

Cold Gas Thrusters

NASA SP Papers Chemical Propulsion (Oldies but goldies)

  • NASA-SP-8025 Solid rocket motor metal cases (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8039 Solid rocket motor performance analysis and prediction. (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8041 Captive-fired testing of solid rocket motors (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8048 Liquid rocket engine turbopump bearings (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8051 Solid rocket motor igniters (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8052 Liquid rocket engine turbopump inducers (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8064 Solid propellant selection and characterization (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8072 Acoustic loads generated by the propulsion system, (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8073 Solid propellant grain structural integrity analysis. (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8075 Solid propellant processing factor in rocket motor design (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8076 Solid propellant grain design and internal ballistics (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8080 Liquid rocket pressure regulators, relief valves, check valves, burst disks (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8081 Liquid propellant gas generators (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8087 Liquid rocket engine fluid-cooled combustion chambers (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8088 Liquid rocket metal tanks and tank components (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8089 Liquid rocket engine injectors (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8090 Liquid rocket actuators and operators (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8093 Solid rocket motor internal insulation (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8094 Liquid rocket valve components (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8097 Liquid rocket valve assemblies (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8100 Liquid rocket engine turbopump gears (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8101 Liquid rocket engine turbopump shafts and couplings. (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8107 Turbopump systems for liquid rocket engines (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8109 Liquid rocket engine centrifugal flow turbopumps (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8110 Liquid rocket engine turbines (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8112 Pressurization systems for liquid rockets (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8113 Liquid rocket engine combustion stabilization devices (local File) 
  • NASA-SP-8114 Solid rocket thrust vector control (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8115 Solid rocket motor nozzles (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8119 Liquid rocket disconnects, couplings, fittings, fixed joints, and seals (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8120 Liquid rocket engine nozzles (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8121 Liquid rocket engine turbopump rotating-shaft seals (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8123 Liquid rocket lines, bellows, flexible hoses, and filters (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8124 Liquid rocket engine self-cooled combustion chambers (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8125 Liquid rocket engine axial-flow turbopumps (local File)
  • NASA-SP-8126 Glossary of terms and table of conversion factors used in design of chemical propulsion systems. (local File)

Standards / General Procedures(Leak testing, pressure testing of tanks, vibration testing etc)

Pyro Stuff (Safety, Igniters, solid propellant etc)